Want to work as a substitute? Apply today at ess.com or contact Mina Prophitt, Area Manager for ESS at 229-499-2635 or by email at mprophitt@ess.com.
Community Meetings will be held Tuesday, Oct. 26th and Thursday, Oct. 28th (6pm - 7pm both nights @ TCHS PAC) to share the Tift County Schools facilities plan. The purpose of these meetings is to share the plan and gather community input. We look forward to seeing you! #4theT
Red Ribbon Week is next week, Oct. 25th - 29th.
Thank you Mr. Hathaway and Mr. Guess for speaking to our Local School Governance Team.
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 10/8/2021 - 10/14/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT
Attention Blue Devil Football Fans...The Blue Devil football team is back at Brodie Field tomorrow night as they welcome the Lowndes County Vikings. Please be sure and review our
Blue Devil Football Game Regulations ! We look forward to seeing everyone at the game! #4theT
We celebrated our September Student of the Month students today. You can watch the presentation by clicking on the links here and see pictures on our Facebook page. (The video is in two parts so there are two links to see the whole presentation)
Video 1 - https://cloud.swivl.com/v/2512d6a6425a799b23373a3698fe5c6b
Video 2 - https://cloud.swivl.com/v/a05b1a1424a13f4211f9a31b2e4e08a4
The Fall Book Fair will be next week, Oct. 18th - 22nd. Parents are invited to shop during your child's class times or during our extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday (masks are required). We also have online shopping and eWallet available for your convenience.
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 10/01/2021 to 10/07/2021. (Fall Break is included in these dates.) For the most recent report from the Dept. of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT
Enjoy your Fall Break October 6th - 11th. Wednesday October 6th is Parent Conference Day for Grades K - 5 and a teacher work day.
Access your child's grades and get the latest information from your school and the system by downloading these apps today. Call 229-387-2424 to obtain your portal activation key. #4theT
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 09/24/2021 to 09/30/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT
We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with our phone system. Our vendor is working on a solution and we hope to have the issue resolved soon. Thank you for your patience.
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 09/17/2021 to 09/23/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT
Parent Daily Learning Planner for October. You can view the PDF version by clicking on this link. https://tiftcountyschoolsga.sites.thrillshare.com/o/annie-belle-clark/browse/257583
Parent Engagement Newsletter for October in Spanish. You can view the PDF version by clicking on this link. https://tiftcountyschoolsga.sites.thrillshare.com/o/annie-belle-clark/browse/257583
Parent Engagement Newsletter for October in English. You can view PDF version by clicking on this link. https://tiftcountyschoolsga.sites.thrillshare.com/o/annie-belle-clark/browse/257583
Please join us for our annual Title 1 Meeting via Google Meet.
Fall Picture Day is Thursday September 23rd.
The data in this update is for the reporting period of 09/10/2021 to 09/16/2021. For the most recent report from the Department of Public Health, as well as other information, visit https://www.tiftschools.com/page/covid-19-resources. #4theT